Should I Remove Polyfill from WordPress

Should I Remove Polyfill from WordPress?

Polyfills have long played a vital role in WordPress development, helping maintain website compatibility across browsers by filling in the gaps where certain older browsers or environments lack support for modern JavaScript features. However, with web technologies constantly evolving and browser support for modern features becoming nearly universal, many developers wonder if polyfills are still necessary or if they’re better off removing them. In this post, titled “Should I Remove Polyfill from WordPress?”, we’ll dive into what polyfills are, why they’re used in WordPress, and the factors to consider when deciding whether to remove them from your WordPress site.

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What is a Polyfill?

A polyfill is a piece of code that provides modern functionality on older browsers that do not support it. For instance, JavaScript introduced features like Promise and fetch that older browsers don’t natively support. A polyfill would enable those features by providing alternative code that mimics the functionality, so users on older browsers can still interact with your site as intended.

In WordPress, polyfills are often included in themes, plugins, or custom code, especially if the site aims for compatibility with legacy browsers. They act as a fallback mechanism, preventing potential functionality issues when visitors use outdated browsers or devices.

Why Polyfills Were Essential

Historically, polyfills were essential for WordPress sites aiming to support a broad audience. When HTML5, CSS3, and ECMAScript 6 (ES6) introduced new capabilities, not all browsers immediately supported these technologies. By including polyfills, WordPress developers could ensure that their sites rendered and functioned consistently across browsers like Internet Explorer, which lacked native support for many modern JavaScript features.

Including polyfills became standard practice in the past decade, with WordPress themes and plugins including them to avoid compatibility issues. For instance, the fetch() API, introduced as a more modern way to make HTTP requests, might not work in Internet Explorer. A polyfill for fetch() would allow older browsers to approximate its functionality, ensuring the site remains accessible.

Modern Browser Compatibility: Are Polyfills Still Needed?

In recent years, browser support for modern JavaScript and CSS has become much more widespread. Most major browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge now support a majority of ECMAScript 6 (ES6) features. Internet Explorer, once a major reason for polyfills, has been phased out by Microsoft and replaced by Edge, which supports newer standards.

Here’s a look at some statistics that might help guide your decision:

Browser Usage Trends: According to recent usage data, less than 1% of internet users rely on Internet Explorer. Modern browsers with support for most features are dominant.

WordPress Core Support: WordPress itself now encourages modern development practices and has shifted its focus away from supporting older, deprecated browsers.

As a result, polyfills have become less necessary. Many WordPress sites may not need the polyfills they once relied on, especially if their primary audience uses updated browsers.

Pros and Cons of Removing Polyfills

So, if most of your audience uses modern browsers, you might be asking, “Should I remove polyfills from WordPress?” Here are some advantages and disadvantages to help you decide:

Pros of Removing Polyfills

Improved Site Performance: Polyfills add extra JavaScript, which can increase page load time and impact performance. By removing unnecessary polyfills, you reduce the overall JavaScript bundle size, leading to faster page loads.

Cleaner Code: Reducing reliance on polyfills can help simplify your codebase. This means less code to maintain, debug, and secure, which is a big plus for developers.

Reduced Maintenance: As browser compatibility becomes less of an issue, maintaining outdated polyfills becomes a less valuable use of resources. By moving away from polyfills, you’re aligning your WordPress site with modern development practices.

Cons of Removing Polyfills

Reduced Compatibility with Older Browsers: If your audience includes users with outdated browsers (like Internet Explorer or old versions of Edge), removing polyfills might cause issues for those users. They may encounter broken functionality or a degraded experience.

Potential for Functionality Breaks: Removing polyfills can break features on older browsers. If your theme, plugins, or custom code use features like Promise or fetch without polyfills, the functionality may not work on unsupported browsers.

Accessibility Considerations: Some users, especially those in regions with limited access to up-to-date devices, may still rely on older browsers. If inclusivity is a priority, consider the impact of removing polyfills on these users.

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How to Decide if You Should Remove Polyfills

Before removing polyfills, analyze your website’s visitor demographics and assess their browser usage patterns. Here are some practical steps:

1. Check Your Site’s Analytics

Use Google Analytics or a similar tool to assess your visitors’ browser distribution. Look specifically at the percentage of users on outdated browsers. If the number is small, you may decide that it’s safe to remove polyfills without impacting many users.

2. Audit the Polyfills in Use

Examine your WordPress codebase to understand what polyfills are currently implemented. Plugins like Asset CleanUp or manually inspecting the code can reveal the polyfills included. Knowing what features each polyfill supports helps identify those that may no longer be necessary.

3. Consider a Staggered Approach

If your audience includes a mix of modern and outdated browsers, consider gradually phasing out polyfills. You can remove polyfills one by one, testing the impact on your site. Start by removing the least critical polyfills and monitor site functionality and analytics to gauge the effect.

4. Test Before Removing

Use testing tools like BrowserStack to simulate your website on different browsers and see how it performs without polyfills. This will help you anticipate any issues that may arise for users with older browsers.

How to Remove Polyfills in WordPress Safely

If you decide to proceed with removing polyfills, here are a few tips for a safe implementation:

Backup Your Site: Always start with a full backup of your WordPress site, including both files and the database. This way, if you encounter any issues, you can easily revert to a working version.

Use a Staging Environment: Test the changes on a staging environment first. Many WordPress hosting providers offer staging environments, allowing you to make changes without affecting your live site.

Test Browser Compatibility: After removing the polyfills, test the site on a range of browsers. Focus on those with the most traffic on your analytics but don’t forget to test a few older browsers as well.

Monitor User Feedback: Once you’ve deployed the changes, keep an eye on any user feedback, especially from users reporting issues with site functionality. Analytics data on session duration and bounce rate can also indicate potential usability problems.

Optimize Further with Conditional Loading: If you only need to support a handful of users on outdated browsers, consider conditional loading for polyfills. Conditional loading dynamically loads polyfills only for users on older browsers, minimizing the performance impact on modern browsers.

Closing Remarks: Should I Remove Polyfill from WordPress?

Removing polyfills from WordPress can be a positive move if you’re looking to enhance performance, reduce maintenance, and streamline your codebase. However, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. For websites with a global, diverse audience or those focused on accessibility, polyfills may still be necessary to maintain a consistent user experience.

Ultimately, the decision to remove polyfills should be data-driven. By evaluating your audience’s needs, testing thoroughly, and leveraging analytics, you can make an informed choice. As web standards continue to evolve, keeping your WordPress site aligned with modern practices while ensuring accessibility can help provide the best possible experience for all users.


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